Time Signatures

Time Signatures is based on wrinkles in the faces of older women. These lines or patterns are analogous to the meandering paths rivers cut through the land, ice cracking on a frozen lake, or to the surface of the earth in times of drought. When taken out of their usual context, the fine traces of lines on a woman’s face are beautiful. However, in our youth-driven culture, it is difficult to see the evidence of a long life as anything but a loss.

These sculptures began as self-portraits – if I could make something positive out of my own struggle with aging, perhaps I could come to terms with it. Soon after the first few pieces, I realized I wanted to pay tribute to women in history I admire who have made a significant contribution to the culture. I have also explored the faces of unsung women and the faces of friends. I am satisfied with this body work, but the premise failed. There is nothing golden about being old.